A Complete Guide to SAP SmartForms | ABAP Insights


A Complete Guide to SAP SmartForms

SAP SmartForms is a popular tool used to create and maintain forms for mass printing in SAP systems. These forms are typically used for various business processes like purchase orders, invoices, sales documents, and more. SmartForms offer an easy way to design and customize forms without needing extensive programming, unlike SAPScript.

In this blog, we’ll explore:

- T-Code for SmartForms

- Steps to Create SmartForms

- How to Access SmartForms in the Driver Program

- Function Module Generation

- Interface and Data Passing

- Advantages Over SAPScript

- How to Add a Logo to SmartForms

 1. T-Code for SmartForms: SMARTFORMS

The T-Code to create and maintain SmartForms is  SMARTFORMS . Using this transaction, you can design your form layout, define fields, add tables, and include various elements like text, images, etc.

To open SmartForms:

1. Type  SMARTFORMS  in the SAP command field.

2. Press Enter.

 Steps to Create a SmartForm

Let's walk through the steps for creating a basic SmartForm in SAP.

 Step 1: Create a SmartForm

1. Use T-Code  SMARTFORMS  to open the SmartForms interface.

2. Click on the Create button to define a new SmartForm.

3. Enter a meaningful name for your SmartForm.

4. In the Form Attributes section, define details like the style and output options.

 Step 2: Design the Layout

1. In the Form Builder, you will find two main sections:

   - Global Definitions: Define the global data and variables here.

   - Form Interface: Define input and output parameters.

2. The layout is divided into:

   - Pages: Where you create headers, main content, and footers.

   - Windows: Containers within a page that hold texts, tables, etc.

3. Add elements like text fields, images, or tables using the Graphical Editor.

 Step 3: Define the Main Window

The Main Window is the primary section where your form’s content is printed. Add tables or text fields within this window to display dynamic data.

 Step 4: Activate the SmartForm

Once you have designed your SmartForm, click on the Activate button to generate it.

 3. How to Access SmartForm in the Driver Program

In order to call and execute a SmartForm, you need to use it within a driver ABAP program. Here’s how to do that:

 Step 1: Generate the Function Module

After activating the SmartForm, SAP automatically generates a Function Module that you can call in your program. To get the Function Module name:

1. Go to Environment > Function Module Name in the SmartForm screen.

2. SAP will display a system-generated function module name.

 Step 2: Call the SmartForm in Driver Program

In your ABAP program, you will call the generated function module like this:


DATA: fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam,

      control_param TYPE ssfctrlop,

      output_param TYPE ssfcrescl.


* Get the function module name of the SmartForm



    formname = 'Z_MY_SMARTFORM'  " Your SmartForm name


    fm_name = fm_name


    others = 1.

* Call the SmartForm Function Module



    control_parameters = control_param


    job_output_info = output_param


    others = 1.

In this example:

- Z_MY_SMARTFORM is the name of the SmartForm.

- The system retrieves the function module name and executes it with the required parameters.

 4. Interface and Data Passing

The Form Interface in SmartForms is crucial for passing data between your program and the form. Here's how you can define and use interfaces:

 Step 1: Define Form Interface

In the Form Interface section:

1. Define import and export parameters to pass data between your driver program and the SmartForm.

2. Define tables and structures if you want to pass internal tables from the driver program.

 Step 2: Pass Data from Driver Program

In your ABAP program, you will pass data to the SmartForm like this:


DATA: my_data TYPE my_structure.

* Pass the structure or table data to the SmartForm



    my_structure = my_data


    others = 1.

This allows you to dynamically send data like customer details, sales orders, or invoices to your form.

 5. Advantages of SmartForms Over SAPScript

Here are some key advantages of SmartForms compared to SAPScript:

- No Coding Required: You can design and modify SmartForms without much programming knowledge.

- Graphical Design: SmartForms provide a user-friendly graphical interface for form design, unlike SAPScript, which uses text-based formatting.

- Dynamic Tables: You can easily add dynamic tables to SmartForms.

- Output Formats: SmartForms support different output formats like PDF, HTML, and XML, which are not natively available in SAPScript.

- Reusable Components: SmartForms allow you to create reusable components (like texts or logos), reducing redundancy.

 6. Adding a Logo to SmartForms

To add a logo (or image) to your SmartForm:

1. Upload your logo to SAP using T-Code SE78 (SAPScript Graphics Management).

   - Go to SE78, and upload your image under BMAP (Bitmap Images).

2. In the SmartForm layout:

   - Create a Graphic element in the desired window.

   - Select the Image from SE78 under the Name field.

3. Adjust the width and height of the image as needed.

SmartForms is a powerful tool in SAP that simplifies form creation and management. It has several advantages over SAPScript, such as ease of use, graphical design, and more flexibility in terms of layout and format. With SmartForms, you can easily generate and customize professional documents like invoices, purchase orders, and reports.

In this blog, we have covered:

- How to create SmartForms

- How to call them in your ABAP program

- Data passing with the form interface

- Adding logos for better presentation

- The advantages of SmartForms over SAPScript

By following these steps, you can create dynamic and customizable forms in SAP with ease.

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