Odata in SAP | Advanced Business Application Programming | ABAP Insights

Introduction to OData in SAP

OData (Open Data Protocol) is an open standard protocol used to build and consume RESTful APIs. SAP utilizes OData services for efficient data access and communication between the SAP system and external applications like SAP Fiori, SAP UI5, or even non-SAP systems like .NET, Java, or PHP. This allows for smooth integration between the backend system and the frontend, enabling users to build modern, lightweight, and interactive applications.

 Difference Between SAP ABAP Apps and UI5/Fiori Apps

 ABAP Apps

In traditional SAP ABAP applications:

- Execution at the Backend: Most of the code, including UI elements like dropdowns and radio buttons, are handled by the backend system (i.e., SAP server).

- Event Handling: All event-related code and validations are processed on the server side.

- Database Operations: Any database operations like SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE are executed at the database.

- Server Load: Since 90% of the processing is done on the server side, ABAP apps are stateful. This means the server remains busy managing the user session, potentially degrading performance under heavy load.

- Heavy Screens: ABAP applications have GUI-based, heavier screens that are not well-suited for modern web interfaces.

- Limited Web Features: ABAP applications do not support web-based functionalities like Fiori and UI5 apps.

 UI5/Fiori Apps

UI5 and Fiori applications, on the other hand, offer:

- Frontend Execution: Screen-related code, event handling, and validations are handled on the frontend.

- Backend Operations: Only database operations (SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE) are executed on the server side.

- Stateless Nature: These applications are stateless, meaning the server is not overloaded with managing user sessions, which results in better performance.

- Lightweight: They are lightweight browser-based applications that are responsive and can run on multiple devices.

- Modern UI: UI5/Fiori apps provide a modern, flexible, and mobile-friendly interface.

- HTTP-based: They operate based on HTTP requests and responses, making them suitable for web environments.

 OData Architecture in SAP

SAP supports OData through the following components:

1. SAP Network Gateway (OData ABAP services): For handling backend ABAP data.

2. SAP HANA XS Engine (OData HANA services): Specific for accessing HANA database data.

3. OData External Services: Used for integrating with non-SAP systems.

OData services are primarily executed under the SAP NetWeaver Gateway component. This gateway supports two formats:


- JSON (Preferred for being lightweight and faster in performance)

 SAP OData Service Development

The main purpose of SAP OData services is to allow external applications to perform database operations (like read, write, update, or delete) via an easy-to-use RESTful API.

 T-Code for OData Development: SEGW

In SAP, the transaction code SEGW is used for creating OData services. Every OData project in SAP has four main components:

1. Data Model

2. Service Implementation

3. Runtime Artifacts

4. Service Maintenance

 1. Data Model

The Data Model defines the structure of the data that will be exposed through the OData service. Key elements of the data model are:

- Entity Type: This is a collection of fields, similar to a structure in ABAP, which defines the schema of the data.

- Entity: It holds a single record at a time, like a work area in ABAP.

- Entity Set: A collection of records, similar to an internal table in ABAP.

- Association: Defines the relationship between two entity types.

- Association Set: Establishes a relationship between two entity sets.

 2. Service Implementation

Service implementation involves defining the CRUD operations for the OData service. CRUD refers to:

- Create: Handled by the CREATE_ENTITY() method.

- Read:

  - Single entity: GET_ENTITY() method, similar to SELECT SINGLE.

  - Multiple entities: GET_ENTITYSET() method, similar to SELECT *.

- Update: Handled by the UPDATE_ENTITY() method to update records.

- Delete: Handled by the DELETE_ENTITY() method to remove records.

 3. Runtime Artifacts

Runtime artifacts are auto-generated classes that handle the execution of OData services:

- _MPC (Model Provider Class): Defines the data model of the service.

- _MPC_EXT (Model Provider Extension Class): Allows developers to extend the data model with custom logic.

- _DPC (Data Provider Class): Contains the logic for CRUD operations.

- _DPC_EXT (Data Provider Extension Class): Allows developers to extend the service logic with custom implementation.

- _SRV: Registered services.

- _MDL: Registered model.

 4. Service Maintenance

Once the OData service is developed, it needs to be registered and maintained. This involves:

- Error Logs: To trace and find errors that occur during the execution of the OData service.

- Gateway Client: A temporary screen provided by SAP to test the functionality of the OData service.

 Advantages of OData Services

- Front-End Agnostic: OData services are independent of the front-end technology. You can consume them in SAP UI5, Fiori, or even non-SAP applications like .NET, Java, or PHP.

- Supports Multiple Formats: OData services support both XML and JSON formats, with JSON being the preferred choice due to its lightweight nature.

- Efficient Data Access: Since OData is based on REST, it allows efficient communication between frontend and backend, which is especially beneficial for SAP Fiori and UI5 applications.

 Key Takeaways

- ABAP Applications are stateful and execute most of their code on the server side, leading to a heavy server load.

- UI5/Fiori Applications are stateless, execute frontend-related code on the client side, and only execute database operations on the server.

- OData Services allow the smooth integration of backend ABAP data with frontend applications like SAP Fiori and external systems. They are lightweight, front-end agnostic, and follow the REST architecture.

- T-code SEGW is used for creating OData services, with four main components: Data Model, Service Implementation, Runtime Artifacts, and Service Maintenance.

By understanding OData services, ABAP developers can unlock the full potential of SAP’s modern programming model, creating flexible, lightweight, and efficient applications that run smoothly in today’s multi-device, web-based environment.


Here are some key interview questions and answers based on the Odata.

 1. What is OData, and why is it used in SAP?


OData (Open Data Protocol) is a standard protocol used for building and consuming RESTful APIs. In SAP, OData services are used to facilitate communication between the backend (SAP system) and frontend applications like SAP Fiori or even non-SAP systems like .NET, PHP, etc. OData enables smooth integration and allows for efficient data access, providing flexibility in building lightweight web-based applications.

 2. What is the main difference between ABAP apps and UI5/Fiori apps?


- ABAP Apps:

  - Stateful applications where most of the code execution (including UI-related elements) happens on the server side.

  - Heavy GUI-based screens.

  - Performance is impacted as the server is overloaded with session management.

- UI5/Fiori Apps:

  - Stateless applications where UI-related code is executed on the frontend.

  - Lightweight browser-based screens that are responsive and mobile-friendly.

  - Server is mainly used for database operations, improving performance.

 3. What is the architecture of OData in SAP?


OData services in SAP follow this architecture:

1. SAP Network Gateway (OData ABAP Services): For ABAP-based backend data.

2. SAP HANA XS Engine (OData HANA Services): For handling HANA-specific data.

3. OData External Services: Used for integration with non-SAP applications.

OData is primarily executed under the SAP NetWeaver Gateway component, which supports XML and JSON formats (with JSON being preferred due to its lightweight nature).

 4. What are the main types of OData services in SAP?


There are three main types of OData services in SAP:

1. OData ABAP Services: Used for traditional ABAP-based systems.

2. OData HANA Services: For working with SAP HANA databases.

3. OData External Services: For non-SAP applications or external systems.

 5. Explain the key components of an OData service project in SAP.


An OData project in SAP contains the following components:

1. Data Model: Defines the structure of data using Entity Types, Entity Sets, and Associations.

2. Service Implementation: Implements CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.


3. Runtime Artifacts: Includes auto-generated classes like _MPC, _DPC, and their extensions (_MPC_EXT, _DPC_EXT).

4. Service Maintenance: Involves error logging, and testing the service using the Gateway Client.

 6. What are CRUD operations in OData services, and how are they implemented?

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. In OData services:

- CREATE_ENTITY(): Handles create operations.

- GET_ENTITY(): Reads a single record, similar to SELECT SINGLE.

- GET_ENTITYSET(): Reads multiple records, similar to SELECT *.

- UPDATE_ENTITY(): Updates a record.

- DELETE_ENTITY(): Deletes a record.

These methods are implemented in the _DPC_EXT (Data Provider Extension Class), which can be customized based on business requirements.

 7. What is the difference between Entity Type, Entity, and Entity Set in OData?


- Entity Type: Defines the structure of the data with fields, data types, and lengths, similar to a structure in ABAP.

- Entity: Holds a single record at a time, like a work area in ABAP.

- Entity Set: Holds a collection of records, similar to an internal table in ABAP.

 8. What are the runtime artifacts generated during OData service creation?


The runtime artifacts generated are:

- _MPC (Model Provider Class): Defines the data model.

- _MPC_EXT (Model Provider Extension Class): Extends the data model with custom logic.

- _DPC (Data Provider Class): Handles CRUD operations.

- _DPC_EXT (Data Provider Extension Class): Extends CRUD functionality with custom implementations.

- _SRV: Registered services.

- _MDL: Registered model.

These classes help in managing the execution of the OData service.

 9. What is the role of the SAP NetWeaver Gateway in OData?


SAP NetWeaver Gateway acts as the middleware that processes OData requests and responses. It converts backend data into formats like XML or JSON that are consumable by frontend applications (like Fiori, UI5, or external systems). The gateway handles HTTP requests and provides necessary services for OData communication between the frontend and backend systems.

 10. What is the purpose of the Gateway Client in OData?


The Gateway Client is a tool provided within the SAP NetWeaver Gateway (accessible via transaction code SEGW). It is used to test the functionality of OData services. Developers can execute HTTP requests and check the responses, trace errors, and validate the correct functioning of their OData service implementations.

 11. Explain the relationship between Entity Types and Associations in OData.


In OData:

- Entity Types define individual data structures.

- Associations represent relationships between two entity types. For example, an association can define a relationship between a customer and their orders.

An Association Set is used to define a relationship between two entity sets, establishing a link between collections of records in the OData model.

 12. How does OData support different frontend technologies like UI5, Fiori, or even non-SAP systems?


OData is frontend-agnostic, meaning it can be consumed by various frontend technologies. Whether it's SAP UI5/Fiori or non-SAP applications (like PHP, .NET, or Java), OData provides a uniform way to access SAP backend data via RESTful APIs. This flexibility makes it ideal for modern application development, where the frontend could be anything from a web app to a mobile app.

 13. Why is JSON preferred over XML in OData services?


JSON is the preferred format in OData services because it is lightweight and easier to parse compared to XML. JSON leads to faster data transfer and better performance, especially in web-based applications where minimizing the payload size is critical for optimal user experience.

 14. What is the advantage of using OData services over traditional SAP methods?


OData services offer several advantages:

- Lightweight and stateless architecture, which results in better performance.

- Platform-independent: They can be consumed by any front-end technology.

- Supports multiple formats: Both XML and JSON are supported, giving flexibility in how data is consumed.

- Modern integration: OData enables seamless integration between SAP and modern web or mobile applications.

 15. Can you explain what Code Pushdown is and how it relates to OData and HANA?


Code Pushdown is the concept where heavy data processing is pushed from the application server to the database layer, especially relevant in SAP HANA. In OData services, instead of fetching large volumes of data to the application server for processing, HANA performs operations directly at the database level, leading to faster data retrieval and reduced application server load.

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