Performance Tuning of ABAP report program – PART 1 | ABAP Insights

 Performance Tuning of ABAP report program – PART 1

Improving the performance of an ABAP report program involves several programming techniques that optimize memory usage, reduce processing time, and minimize database access. Here are some strategies to improve performance:

 1. Efficient Database Access

    Select only required fields: Always select only the fields you need instead of using SELECT. This reduces the amount of data transferred between the database and the application server.


     SELECT matnr, maktx FROM mara INTO TABLE lt_mara WHERE matnr IN lt_matnr.

    Use FOR ALL ENTRIES carefully: Ensure that the internal table used in the FOR ALL ENTRIES clause is not empty to avoid retrieving the entire dataset from the database.


     IF lt_matnr IS NOT INITIAL.

       SELECT matnr, maktx FROM mara INTO TABLE lt_mara FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_matnr WHERE matnr = lt_matnrmatnr.


    Avoid nested SELECT statements: Instead of querying the database in a loop, use a single query to fetch the data.

    Use JOIN instead of multiple SELECT: Combining tables in a single query with a JOIN is more efficient than performing multiple SELECT statements.


     SELECT a~matnr, b~maktx FROM mara AS a

       INNER JOIN makt AS b ON a~matnr = b~matnr INTO TABLE lt_data.

 2. Internal Table Optimization

    Choose the appropriate internal table type: Use the right type of internal table based on the operations you need to perform.

      Standard Table: For simple data storage and sequential processing.

      Sorted Table: For tables that need to be sorted by a key, providing faster access for binary searches.

      Hashed Table: For large datasets requiring fast key-based access (constant time complexity).

    Use SORT and BINARY SEARCH: Sorting an internal table and using BINARY SEARCH improves performance when searching large tables.


     SORT lt_data BY matnr.

     READ TABLE lt_data WITH KEY matnr = lv_matnr BINARY SEARCH.

 3. Minimize Memory Consumption

    Clear unnecessary data: Free up memory by clearing or refreshing internal tables when they are no longer needed.


     CLEAR lt_data.

     REFRESH lt_data.

    Avoid deep structures when not necessary: Keep data structures simple to avoid excessive memory consumption.

 4. Use Parallel Processing (RFC)

    Distribute the workload across different processors using parallel processing techniques like CALL FUNCTION with STARTING NEW TASK. This allows long running reports to be processed faster.



 5. Buffering

    Leverage table buffering: For frequently accessed static data, enable buffering at the dictionary level to reduce database hits. This can be configured in the technical settings of the table.

    Buffer reads: Instead of fetching the same data from the database repeatedly, store the data in a buffer for reuse.

 6. Optimize Looping Structures

    Minimize nested loops: Nested loops result in exponential complexity and should be avoided wherever possible.


     LOOP AT lt_outer.

       READ TABLE lt_inner WITH KEY key = lt_outerkey.


     Instead, use a single loop or optimize by using parallel processing or joins.

    Use LOOP AT GROUP for grouping data: Instead of using nested loops or manually grouping data, use the LOOP AT GROUP statement to process data in groups efficiently.


     LOOP AT GROUP g_group OF lt_data INTO DATA(group_data).


 7. Using Field Symbols and Data References

    Use field symbols: Accessing internal tables via field symbols can be faster because it avoids copying data.


     LOOP AT lt_data ASSIGNING <fs_data>.


    Data references: Use references to pass large data structures instead of copying them to save memory and processing time.

 8. Effective Use of Modularization

    Avoid redundant code: Modularize your code using subroutines, methods, and function modules to reduce redundancy, which also aids performance optimization.

    Minimize database access in loops: Move all database access outside the loops, or fetch data once and store it in internal tables for reuse.

 9. Optimize ALV Grid Reports

    Use ALV with larger data: When dealing with large datasets, the ALV grid (Object Oriented ALV) is more efficient for data presentation compared to custom loops with WRITE.


    Instead of hardcoding values in the WHERE clause, use SELECTOPTIONS and RANGES for dynamic selection, which allows for faster processing and filtering of data.

 11. Indexing on Database Tables

    Ensure that appropriate indexes exist on the tables used in your program. This reduces the time for searching and retrieving data.

 12. Use CDS Views for Complex Queries

    In HANA environments, using Core Data Services (CDS) views can offload complex data operations to the database level, taking advantage of HANA’s in memory processing capabilities.

 13. Efficient Use of Aggregation Functions

    Use aggregation functions (SUM, COUNT, AVG) in the SQL query itself rather than fetching the entire dataset and performing the calculations in ABAP.

By using these techniques, you can significantly improve the performance of your ABAP report program. Each method addresses a specific aspect of performance, from reducing database load to optimizing memory and processing efficiency.

Here’s how to implement the various performance improvement in ABAP code, along with explanations of each point:

 1. Avoid Nested SELECT Statements

Nested SELECT statements lead to multiple database accesses and can be inefficient. It's better to perform a single SELECT with joins or use internal tables for further processing.



 Inefficient (Nested SELECT):

LOOP AT lt_orders INTO wa_orders.

  SELECT SINGLE  FROM vbap INTO wa_vbap WHERE vbeln = wa_ordersvbeln.


 Optimized (Single SELECT):

SELECT a~vbeln, a~erdat, b~matnr, b~kwmeng

  INTO TABLE lt_vbeln_data

  FROM vbak AS a

  INNER JOIN vbap AS b ON a~vbeln = b~vbeln

  WHERE a~vbeln IN lt_orders.

Explanation: Instead of fetching each row in a loop with SELECT SINGLE, join the tables in one query for better performance.

 2. Use INTO TABLE Instead of APPEND in SELECT Statements

Avoid appending records one by one in a loop. Use INTO TABLE to retrieve all records at once.



 Inefficient (Using APPEND):

SELECT  FROM vbak INTO wa_vbak.

  APPEND wa_vbak TO lt_vbak.


 Optimized (Using INTO TABLE):


Explanation: This retrieves all records in one go, reducing the need for multiple accesses to the database.

 3. Order of WHERE Clause Based on Index

When a table has multiple indices, the WHERE clause should align with the fields of the index, either primary or secondary.



SELECT FROM mara INTO TABLE lt_mara WHERE matnr = lv_matnr AND werks = lv_werks.

Explanation: If there’s an index for the fields matnr and werks, ensure your WHERE clause follows the index sequence for faster database lookup.


When testing for existence, use SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS instead of looping through all the records with SELECT ... ENDSELECT.



 Inefficient (Using SELECT...ENDSELECT):

SELECT  FROM zflight INTO wa_flight WHERE airln = 'LF' AND cntry = 'IN'.



Optimized (Using UP TO 1 ROWS):

SELECT FROM zflight INTO wa_flight WHERE airln = 'LF' AND cntry = 'IN' UP TO 1 ROWS.

Explanation: UP TO 1 ROWS stops the query as soon as it finds one record, improving performance.

 5. Use SELECT SINGLE When Primary Key Fields Are Known

If all primary key fields are available in the WHERE condition, use SELECT SINGLE.



SELECT SINGLE FROM mara INTO wa_mara WHERE matnr = lv_matnr.

Explanation: SELECT SINGLE is more efficient than fetching multiple rows when you expect only one.

 6. Column Updates vs. Row Updates

To update multiple rows in a database, it is better to use column updates in one query rather than updating each row individually.



 Inefficient (Single row updates):

LOOP AT lt_data INTO wa_data.

  UPDATE mara SET maktx = wa_datamaktx WHERE matnr = wa_datamatnr.


 Optimized (Column updates):

UPDATE mara SET maktx = wa_datamaktx WHERE matnr IN lt_data.

Explanation: The column update handles multiple records in a single operation, which reduces database accesses.

7. Use Indexes for Frequently Accessed Data

Ensure indexes are used for frequently accessed data, improving query performance.



 Efficient query leveraging indexes:

SELECT FROM mara INTO TABLE lt_mara WHERE matnr = lv_matnr.

Explanation: This ensures the query benefits from an index if one exists on matnr.

 8. Using Buffered Tables

Using table buffering for frequently accessed tables improves performance by reducing database access.



 Assuming table ZCUSTOMERS is buffered:

SELECT FROM zcustomers INTO TABLE lt_customers.

Explanation: Table buffering minimizes database access, as the data is stored in the application server's memory.

 9. Use Aggregate Functions (e.g., MAX, MIN, SUM)

Instead of calculating aggregates in ABAP, use database aggregate functions for efficiency.



 Inefficient (Manual calculation):

MAXNO = 0.

SELECT FROM zflight INTO wa_flight WHERE airln = 'LF' AND cntry = 'IN'.

  CHECK wa_flightfligh > MAXNO.

  MAXNO = wa_flightfligh.


 Optimized (Using Aggregate function):

SELECT MAX( fligh ) FROM zflight INTO MAXNO WHERE airln = 'LF' AND cntry = 'IN'.

Explanation: The database can perform aggregate functions like MAX or SUM much faster than ABAP can.

 10. FOR ALL ENTRIES in SELECT Statements

FOR ALL ENTRIES is used to fetch data based on multiple entries in an internal table, but it should be used cautiously.



Inefficient (Nested SELECT):

LOOP AT lt_cntry INTO wa_cntry.

  SELECT SINGLE  FROM zfligh INTO wa_fligh WHERE cntry = wa_cntrycntry.

  APPEND wa_fligh TO lt_fligh.


 Optimized (FOR ALL ENTRIES):

SELECT  FROM zfligh INTO TABLE lt_fligh FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_cntry WHERE cntry = lt_cntrycntry.

Explanation: FOR ALL ENTRIES creates a single SELECT statement for all matching entries in the internal table, making it much faster than nested loops.

 Key Considerations When Using FOR ALL ENTRIES:

 Ensure the internal table is not empty: If the driver table (lt_cntry in this case) is empty, the query retrieves all records from the database.

 Remove duplicates and sort the driver table: This reduces unnecessary database access and improves performance.

 Manage memory efficiently: Use FREE or PACKAGE SIZE to handle large amounts of data and avoid memory issues.

 Summary of Performance Tips:

 Use aggregate functions for computing max, min, sum, and average values.

 Use FOR ALL ENTRIES cautiously, ensuring the driver table has unique, sorted values.

 Avoid unnecessary SELECT statements in loops and use optimized queries like SELECT INTO TABLE.

 Ensure indexes are utilized for better query performance.

 Use buffered tables to reduce database access for frequently read tables.

By following these practices, you can ensure your ABAP programs perform optimally, especially when working with large datasets and frequent database interactions.


Using JOIN instead of multiple SELECT statements improves performance significantly at the database level because it reduces the number of database accesses and network roundtrips, leading to faster data retrieval. When you use multiple SELECT statements, the program sends several requests to the database, one for each table, and processes each result individually. In contrast, a JOIN allows the database to fetch all the required data in a single operation, reducing overhead and utilizing database optimization techniques.

 Why JOIN is Better:

1. Fewer Database Calls: Instead of multiple SELECT statements, a JOIN fetches data from related tables in one call.

2. Optimized Execution Plans: Modern databases optimize JOIN queries to efficiently retrieve data, using indexes and table relationships.

3. Reduced Data Transfer: A single JOIN retrieves the needed records and sends them back to the application server in one go, reducing network load.

4. Less ABAP Processing: With a JOIN, data processing happens at the database level, which is faster than fetching the data into ABAP and processing it there.

 Example: Multiple SELECT Statements vs. JOIN


You need to fetch customer details from two related tables:

 Table KNA1: Contains general customer data (Customer number KUNNR, Name, City).

 Table KNVV: Contains salesspecific customer data (Customer number KUNNR, Sales area, Payment terms).

 1. Inefficient Approach (Multiple SELECT Statements)


DATA: lt_customers TYPE TABLE OF kna1,

      lt_sales_data TYPE TABLE OF knvv,

      wa_kna1 TYPE kna1,

      wa_knvv TYPE knvv.

 Fetch data from KNA1

SELECT FROM kna1 INTO TABLE lt_customers WHERE land1 = 'DE'.

 Loop through KNA1 data and fetch corresponding KNVV data

LOOP AT lt_customers INTO wa_kna1.

  SELECT SINGLE  FROM knvv INTO wa_knvv WHERE kunnr = wa_kna1kunnr.

  APPEND wa_knvv TO lt_sales_data.



   Multiple database hits: For each customer in KNA1, the program performs a SELECT SINGLE on KNVV. If there are 1000 customers, this means 1000 additional database calls.

   Increased network traffic: The data must be sent back and forth between the application and the database for each SELECT SINGLE.

   Inefficient processing: Each query must wait for the previous one to finish, which creates delays.

 2. Optimized Approach (Using JOIN)


DATA: lt_customer_data TYPE TABLE OF kna1,

      lt_combined_data TYPE TABLE OF kna1.

 Fetch data from KNA1 and KNVV in a single join

SELECT a~kunnr, a~name1, a~ort01, b~vkorg, b~vtweg, b~zterm

  INTO TABLE lt_combined_data

  FROM kna1 AS a

  INNER JOIN knvv AS b ON a~kunnr = b~kunnr

  WHERE a~land1 = 'DE'.


   Single database hit: All required data is fetched in one JOIN statement, eliminating the need for multiple database calls.

   Reduced network traffic: The entire result set is transferred from the database to the application server in one operation.

   Database level optimization: The database can use indexes and optimization techniques to execute the JOIN query more efficiently.

   Faster execution: Since the database handles the data retrieval in one go, the overall time to retrieve the data is reduced.

 Performance Benefits of JOIN:

 Reduced Database Load: With a JOIN, the database handles data retrieval in one operation, reducing overhead and resource usage.

 Optimized Query Execution: The database engine can optimize JOIN operations more effectively using available indexes, leading to faster retrieval.

 Fewer Network Trips: By using a single JOIN, all data is fetched in one step, minimizing the network roundtrips between the application and the database.

 Visualizing the Difference:

 Multiple SELECT Statements:

1. Application sends SELECT for KNA1.

2. Database retrieves records from KNA1.

3. For each record in KNA1, the application sends a SELECT SINGLE for KNVV.

4. The database performs 1,000 additional queries (one for each customer).

5. The application waits for each query to finish before continuing.


1. Application sends a single JOIN query.

2. Database retrieves data from both KNA1 and KNVV in one step, applying optimizations.

3. All relevant data is sent back to the application in one go.

Using JOIN eliminates multiple database calls and allows the database to perform the complex task of combining data from multiple tables.

 The database engine is better equipped to handle large datasets and can use indexing and other optimizations to speed up queries.

 Fewer network calls and reduced ABAP level processing lead to faster program execution.

Thus, using JOIN instead of multiple SELECT statements ensures better performance, reduced network traffic, and more efficient data handling at the database level.


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